About the Film

  • Interested viewers based in the United States can watch My Garden of a Thousand Bees online for free at pbs.org/nature anpbs.org/natured the PBS Video app.

  • Request a free screening of My Garden of a Thousand Bees by completing this screening request form.


About the Bees

  • There are more than 20,000 unique bee species on Earth! Nearly 4,000 species can be found in North America.

  • No, not all bee species sting. Bees that sting typically only sting people when defending their hive or a nest. Like all wild animals, give bees some space and they won’t bother or harm you.


About Wildflowers

  • In the spring, plant your native wildflower seeds after the last frost in your region. In warmer climates, this can start as early as March-April. In colder climates, the spring planting season can start in late May.

    Please visit the Complete Guide to Growing Wildflowers from American Meadows for guidance on the following:

    1. Identifying Planting Time

    2. Soil Prepartations

    3. Scattering Your Seeds

    4. Compressing Your Seeds

    5. Watering

    6. Growth & Blooms!

  • One packet of regional native wildflower seeds will cover 5-7 square feet.

  • My Garden of a Thousand Bees is distributing native wildflower seed mixes from American Meadows.

    Use this map to confirm your geographic region and select your region below for a full list of each wildflower in your unique seed mix, planting information, and more:

    Northeast Wildflower Seed Mix: Contains 18 native wildflowers found throughout New England and the mid-Atlantic, including Spotted Joe Pye Weed, Butterfly Weed, Red Columbine, Wild Lupine, and more.

    Southeast Wildflower Seed Mix: Contains 17 wildflowers, including Scarlet Sage, Blazing Star, Spiderwort, and more, that are native to the Southeast region of the country.

    Midwest Wildflower Seed Mix: Contains 21 wildflowers, including Prairie Aster, Blazing Star, Butterfly Weed and more, that are native to the Midwest.

    West Wildflower Seed Mix: Contains eight wildflowers, including Colorado Columbine, Showy Goldeneye, Bee Plant and more, that are native to the Western area of the country.

    Southwest Wildflower Seed Mix: Contains 16 wildflowers, including Desert Marigold, Pink Primrose, Gold Poppy and more, that are native to the Southwest.

    Pacific Northwest Wildflower Seed Mix: Contains 15 wildflowers, including Clarkia, Chinese Houses, Tidy Tips and more, all native to the Pacific Northwest.